THE fourth installment of “The Alexander Bard-sessions”. By now you must understand how infested by continental philosophy it is. It does, however, generate interesting results.

But before we continue on that journey I promised you last episode that I would return with a more extensive analysis of the election.  

An election everyone claims to have won but feels like they lost. I was one of those that thought the Sweden democrats would win a decisive victory. I have publicly for almost a year predicted that they would get 26 percent. Which wasn’t even one of the highest estimates as some estimated they would get as much as thirty percent.

In the end they got 17.9 percent. Which means they are the actual winners of the election. But the psychological blow of being so far from the estimates make them feel like they lost.

I am happy. I didn’t like the idea of the Sweden democrats, a fairly tame nationalist socially conservative party by European standards, and any standards really, would be the biggest party. That would just mean that the swedes had decided on a new consensus. As per usual in complete silence without any open discussion. 

And if that had happened it would be another hundred years til the next spectacular failure and the chance of getting any new ideas in would be gone.  

This is much better. Now the left can’t form a government. And the right probably can’t form a government. Neither could probably get a budget through if they did. Which means that whichever government is formed would fall.

The Sweden democrats being, ever stronger, king makers.

The social democrats, every swedes sub-conscious daddy-issue, only got 29 percent. Which for them is an historic low.  

They are still the largest party but unable to form a new government. The fact that Stefan Löfven, our social “democratic” prime minister, has said that he will not step down willingly is a warning sign that seems to escape most of my compatriots.

In principle first dibs on forming a government should go to the biggest party, but only if you have a realistic chance of forming one. And all the opposition parties, including the Sweden democrats, have said they will vote Stefan Löfven out when parliament opens if he doesn’t go willingly.  

Even if the social democrats had a decent chance of forming a government the gallant thing to do would be to resign and wait for the speaker of the house to request that you form a government.

Stefan Löfvéns refusal to step down is not only a political faux pas, or the breaking of an unwritten rule. It is a clear signal that he doesn’t even bother to pretend that we are living in a democracy anymore. Which at least is more honest than usual. Since it is true.

Sweden is not a democracy. It is a social-democracy. Which means that it is only democratic to the extent that the people by voting express what our leaders want us to want.  

A Silent Revolution

So even if the social democrats faired worse than ever – they are still the biggest party – in Parliament. But while all of Swedish media has been transfixed by the political uncertainty, in a country that never has any political uncertainty, on the state level a silent revolution has taken place in the municipalities.

In Sweden we call it the communal level.

The social democrats have lost in 250 out 290 municipalities.

And it is not only my campaign to crush socialism that did it. Even though I am going to claim all the credit. It is not even the Sweden democrats.

They only took a lot of municipalities in the south. But in Gothenburg, which has formerly been a flagship for the social democracy, the social democrats imploded and a completely new party called demokraterna became the second biggest party. In Norrland, which is what we call the north of Sweden, the social democrats were ousted on the municipal level by a new party simply called Sjukvårdspartiet – the healthcare party.

But the most beautiful thing of all has been to see the establishment in state television, and, for that matter state television itself in complete disarray. This is a country that has never had a revolution, a country were everything has been clean and everything runs on time. They are not used to handling even a little gravel in the machinery.

They are now behaving like incoherent lunatics. It is both a relief and a bit socially awkward. The mask of the establishment in-group has fallen at last! But it’s embarrassing as hell.

The even worse news is that the social democrats lost a lot of votes to the communists. Who got almost 8 percent. A problem, not only because it makes me deeply uncomfortable on a personal level that I live in a country where eight percent of the population thinks it right to confiscate my Spiderman comics and used Catholic priest underwear-collection, but mostly because in effect that means they wants to abolish democracy. Before we’ve even had a proper one!

Another way to say re-distribution of wealth is theft. And the result of such policies can be seen played out before our eyes as we speak in countries like Venezuela or North Korea. Or historically in the Soviet union, China, and the Anabaptists of Munster.  

The Swedish leftist party was for the Soviet pact with the Nazis. They were for Stalin’s invasion of Poland together with Hitler. They sent a telegram congratulating Hitler after the conquest of France!

And has since then supported every extreme leftist and/or Islamic terror organization and/or regime in the world.  

There is an outspoken rule in Swedish politics that they can’t be let into the government. Something the social democrats actually used to be quite serious about. Unfortunately that was a long time ago. They now count, and depend, on communist support for every budget. And every budget is ever more influenced by these Hamas hugging fasco-fetishists.

When I started the project titled #crushsocialism one of the big reasons was that one of the problems I saw with our current situation was that the left – after the second world war – didn’t put a leash on their crazy people.

While the right had to. And did. The guilt of their maniacs was clear and had been from beginning to end.

In Sweden the number of extreme Nazis are just a few hundred today. From thousands back in the 90s when I grew up.

But the socialists and communists had started on the same side as the Nazis and then switched sides when the Nazis betrayed their pact. So they end up on the winning side with the good guys. Even though they just ousted Hitler to replace one oppression with another.

The left didn’t put a leash on their maniacs. Instead they put them to work. As professors in academia, as producers in radio- tv-, and film, and other positions of power.

Partly because leftists don’t believe in personal responsibility, collectivist as they are, and therefore should not be entrusted with important tasks. And partly because the left believes that idiots get less dumb with some encouragement, rewards, and hugs, rather than with reprimands and discipline.

That the left did not put a leash on their crazies is proven by our own state television. Because when Jonas Sjöstedt, leader of the leftist party, says that he wants to nationalize all assets they don’t give him a harder question then “But what happens to H&M if you do?”

The implicit leftist bias of our state television was as clear then and there as when they after the last of the party leader debate denounced a statement by the leader of the Sweden democrats where he made a difference between immigrants and swedes in the labour market as racist.

The thing is they didn’t need to. He was gainsayed before he even got to finish his argument by, first the Center Party’s Annie Lööf, and then everybody else in the debate.

And it’s not like State television denounce Jonas Sjöstedt when he wants to abolish democracy.

So when Program Director Jan Helin, formerly editor in chief of the Union controlled tabloid Aftonbladet, goes out in the evening news. On the states own channels, and on the debate show Opinion Live, also on state television to declare that state television were not partial when they denounced Jimmie Åkesson’s statement. They were simply upholding “the democracy paragraph”.

When your broadcaster has a paragraph like that in their license to broadcast then there is no real democracy.

Also, there is nothing in that paragraph that says they have to denounce specific statements made in debates where opponents can challenge each others arguments! That paragraph simply states that the programming of Public service, which is two TV-channels, one educational tv-channel, and at least four major radio stations, as a whole – should promote the principle of equality for all. Single statements or single shows don’t have to as long as the majority of the programming do.

When Jan Helin then explains that there’s nothing wrong with the policy and that they “just have to develop new methods” of “applying the ideology into the questions themselves” it is nothing but code for more advanced methods of manipulation and deception. All questions will be, even more, biased than they are now. 

How they will make them even more biased than they are today I do not know? And dare not imagine. But I have no doubt that they will succeed.

I have worked there. They are quite good at this. After all, they have been doing this for a long time, and at least since Olof Palme became minister of communications in 1965.

Around 80 percent of the journalists employed there vote left or the environmental party. A party that puts the mental in environment.

Now the left is calling everybody racist. Even the Center party and the Liberal party who are both pro immigration, gender feminism, intersectionality, and refuse to even hold talks with the Sweden democrats.

While accusing them of wanting to work with the Sweden democrats, who might have been a neo-nazi organization rather recently but whose resumé looks like a kinder gardeners compared to the hundred years of atrocious behavior of our leftist party.

It’s more than a little ironic. Nationalists of old might have wanted to nationalize all assets. But the Sweden democrats don’t. At least not in any public document. At the same time the Social democrats are dependant on a party that still want to nationalize all assets.

In comparing outcomes – the difference between communism and old school Germanic socialist nationalism is none. They are exactly the same.

The Wrong Side of the Right

The breakdown of the tight has been less entertaining in that it has been so predictable. They started screaming about election fraud the minute the counting started. Which is bad form.

It undermines the trust in our sham democracy. And since we don’t have a real democracy we can’t dispense with the trust.

The first thing I tweeted out the morning after the election was “The people have spoken! The results are clear! Sweden wants me to spend another term crushing socialism!”

4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years! If it will even be that long since a re- or snap election is very probable.

Election fraud actually happens every election. But usually nobody cares and almost no one is convicted.

The most reliable sources I got revealed that even if well intended our voting system is not secure from an election fraud and I suspect that everybody in the mainstream media now screaming that anybody who even reports an incident is a conspiracy nut, racist, Nazi, Putin-lover, or worse, A NEO-LIBERAL!

Will soon have to revert to the phrase “we have been naïve!”

You see, that is what our ruling classes have said after every social engineering plan that has gone to hell.

but also for relatively mundane stuff. Naiveté may be deadly but most of the time it just hurts.

The social democratic minister of social issues Annika Strandhäll said it after the Swedish state pension agency fucked up the pension system so bad a lot of people got tricked out of their retirement money.

It might not be as deadly as a terror attack but it still destroys a persons life.

Naivety literally means “Lacking worldly experience and understanding,”

Which makes me wonder how these people have risen to positions of such power? Lacking both worldly experience and understanding. And how a party that claims to have built Sweden, and governed it for a hundred years, could do that without worldly experience and understanding? And how we can claim to be a moral super power that can save the world if we lack worldly experience and understanding?

That we will soon heard it said by our leaders in politics, culture, and the media about our voting system is something I would bet money on.

Apart from being so open as to invite peer pressure and voting with the in-group. Nobody controls the people actually counting the votes!?!

They can all be the same family, the same party, activists of any kind, or just somebody who doesn’t care.

Then the district leader is supposed to report in the result to the election agency before physically transporting the votes to the agency. He can make up any number he wants. Also hard to control.

Because, you see, when he has reported the results. Which he himself could have made up. He, by himself, transports the votes in bags to the election agency. Any way he wants. He could take a taxi, go by subway, or by kick scooter if he so pleases. 

What happens on the way is impossible to control. So you see how the term Naïve might soon come into play. 

I’m not saying it does happen! I’m just saying that maybe faith in the system is a bit too high. One might call it naiveté but mostly because criminal stupidity has a bad ring to it.

I believe most people who volunteer to do this do it because they love democracy. Maybe even so much that you would resort to cheating if you thought that the party you discriminated against was going to abolish democracy if they won? If you really believe that you are good and they are racist scum than wouldn’t you be justified?

The most obvious warning signals I got tipped about concerned districts who came in without, or with a very light, bag for smaller parties. But instead a huge bag of disqualified votes. And the other concerned party bags that seemed to contain stacks of votes that had just been put in there without being counted. That is added to the bag.

But those are a few instances and I don’t know if it really matters more than on the outermost margin? The discussion shouldn’t be about election fraud as much as securing up the system. Maybe with people from opposing parties controlling each other’s counting and maybe a safer way of reporting and doing the first round of counts?

The right has also screamed like nervous Nellies about clientism. Which they call clan voting. As example they hold up a representative of the environmental party, Ali Khalil, who offered the moderate party in the municipality 3000 votes if they granted them building permits for a new mosque. 

This is nothing strange. It’s called clientism and the entire Swedish system is built upon it. That’s what a corporative state is. A hyper advanced clan system. That’s also why it suits immigrants from clan cultures so well. In that sense they integrate instantly.

Ali didn’t offer the moderate party more than he has probabely offered the social democrats before. But feeling, incorrectly, where the wind was blowing he just thought he’d better take the deal to the moderates instead. Being potentially the new strongest clan.

 Before 1950 Sweden was ethnically and culturally one of the most homogenous countries in the world. And since everybody looked the same, and pretty much thought the same, it wasn’t noticeable. But when you introduce pluralism the system came into focus.

In other words the system had been invisible since everybody was white, like the air you breathe, or water to a fish, but let a drop of ink into the water and the medium becomes clearly visible. And yes, the joke is intentional but not ill intentioned.

Sure, socially disadvantaged areas, or immigrant ghettos as they are called in cultures that are less PC, vote up to 80 percent social democrat and up to ten or more for the communists.

But the Christian democrats get almost forty percent on some islands in the archipelago of Gothenburg. The conservative moderates get 56 percent in Djursholm – the Long Island of Sweden.

And just like in the case of Ali Khalil who wanted to purchase building permits for a mosque with 3000 votes is no conspiracy. It can be explained by simple self-interest.

Because the biggest election fraud in Sweden is legal, institutionalized, it is in fact the system itself. What the editor in chief of oppositional media site Ledarsidorna – Johan Westerholm – calls “The Welfareindustrial complex!

The reason that the social democrats get 29 percent of the votes is that 29 percent of the people – in reality probably more if you count in the leftists and the environmental party – are so dependent on the welfare state, in the form of salary or subsidies or both, that they have to vote to preserve it. For the sake of their own survival. 

They can’t afford not to. And the other parts of Sweden, like Djursholm, won’t be able to afford it forever either.

The system is rigged. To favor the social democrats. Which isn’t very strange considering they actually built the system.

So if we swedes want a real democracy of the western more liberal kind we have to change the system. Unfortunately we don’t have any political alternative that seems to want the same thing. They are just fighting for power. To keep it. Not to give it back to the people!

Adding insult to injury – a swedish higher court just ruled that if you are a palestinian refugee in Sweden about to be deported back to Palestine – all you havet o do to avoid deportation is to attack Jews. I know it sounds weird but explaining the facts will just make it sound weirder.

But I’ll try… On the ninth of December 2017 a bunch of men firebombed the Jewish Community Center in Gothenburg. That night hosting a party for kids aged 14 to 18 years of age.

Thanks to video footage of the incident the state got to prosecute three. Out of at least ten men.

One of the three convicted men, a Palestinian refugee about to be deported back to Palestine, had his deportation revoked since “Israel couldn’t guarantee his safety”.

Which is super weird because according to Swedish law Israel is not responsible for people in “Palestine”. That is the responsibility of the Palestinian authority or Hamas.

Because Sweden has, as the first western country, recognized Palestine as a legitimate state. It was in fact the absolute first thing the social democratic government of Stefan Löfven did four years ago when they won the election.

The absolutely first thing they did. And now they can’t send back a criminal asylum seeker convicted of hate crimes against Jews because his Jew hatred might make a target for Israel?

The only way to make Israel responsible for this mans safety is if you truly believe that Jews control the world and are responsible for all its ills.

Now this verdict will set precedent so that all Palestinians who got their request for asylum or residency denied just have to attack a Jew – get convicted – and will then get permanent residency.

Hating Jews is now a legitimate reason to get asylum in Sweden. If you wonder how it got this way I should inform you that the Swedish judicial system was Nazi before the Nazis even existed. And the only countries our judicial system ever really influenced were Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, and Axis power Japan. Who have since all discarded the principles underpinning the Swedish judicial system.

So to summarize – we live in a country with a corporative system with socialist leanings based on ethnic homogeneity – faced with pluralism in the system – a socialist Prime minister who refuse to step down voluntarily and an official sanctioned bounty on Jews.

This is the culture that brought forth Alexander Bard and myself. I would advise you to bear that in mind as you enter his mind for the fourth time.



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Alexander Bard can be followed on twitter under his nom de guerre @bardissimo or Facebook

 Apart from an earlier life as a pop star and a TV-personality he is the author of several books and a philosopher in his own right focusing on the melding of man and technology.

Together with Jan Söderqvist he has written several books ranging from The Netocrats in 2000 to Syntheism in 2014 where they found a new religion for the age of information technology.








About the author

Komiker, författare och podcastare