Konstantin Kisin Vs. Russia #DEKONSTRUKTIVKRITIK

För att lyssna på AVSNITTET KLICKA HÄR! Video nedan

Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British comedian and political commentator. He visits #DECONSTRUCTIVECRITICISM to talk about Russia, Ukraine, and the failings of the West. För att lyssna på AVSNITTET KLICKA HÄR! Video nedan

Konstantin Kisin regularly writes for a number of publications on issues relating to tech censorship, woke culture, comedy and the on-going culture wars. He co-hosts the YouTube-channel Triggernometry since 2018, a podcast featuring fellow comedian and co-host Francis Foster. The show is dedicated to free speech and open discussion on a range of controversial topics, featuring guests from diverse backgrounds.

He is also a soon to be published author with the book An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West. We will be discussing his background and understanding of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, what he thinks will happen, what we in the west can do – both to help Ukraine and to help ourselves, a multipolar world, what China will do now, and his coming book: Konstantin Kisin – Enjoy!

About the author

Komiker, författare och podcastare