If you’re a left wing Jew you’ve probably never been more popular. Everyone wants a Jewish alibi nowadays. Problem is – there’s not enough of them to go around.
That’s why Jewish Voice for Peace has over 1.2 million followers on instagram. (One of them is notably Greta Thunberg.) By that I’m not saying all their followers follow them as an excuse for Jew hatred. That would be silly. Some probably just follow them out of interest.
But it’s undeniably so that they’re used as alibi’s of people who want to spew lies about the state of Israel. “Look”, the say, “there’s Jews that also support Hamas so it can’t be anti-semitic”. As if not all cultures had to suffer suicidal morons.
So how many are there exactly you might ask desperate for a Jewish alibi as you probably are? Well it’s hard to say because we lack perfect information but JVPs total funds for 2023 according to their own website was 3,139,291 USD.
From that alone it is hard to glean how many they are. Partly because you can make a one-time donation of 18 dollars or monthly donations of which the lowest amount is 10 dollars per month. Fortunately they provide the additional information that their average donation is 60 dollars and that they are funded to 92 percent of individual donors “like yourself”. Which means that we can discount the contributions of George Soros (whose Open Society Foundation gave 225 000 USD to JVP in 2022), Rockefellers, or WESPAC, the left wing protest organisation headed by the palestinian American Nada Khader and the likes. Unfortunately that also means that there’s not any guarantee that a member is Jewish but with those figures in mind and assuming 1. An even distribution of donors 2. That they’re all Jewish we can estimate the number of members to 48 136. This is an estimation because, in reality, each donation could be more or less than $60, within the range provided, and maybe even above since 22 percent of their budget goes to fundraising.
Now according to World Population Review the latest on the number of Jews in the world is 15.2 million which means that JVP-members. Assuming everyone gives the one time amount eighteen dollars available on JVPs web page would give them a maximum amount of 160 000 members. But then we’d have to disregard the average of 60 dollars so JVP members probably don’t constitute more than 0.3 percent of the world’s Jewish population.
My point is that if you happen to find a Jewish member of JVP hold on to him or her for dear life. There will be plenty of competition for this particular rarity.